
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Larry Perry

After losing everything he had Larry Perry, a former crack addict, was delivered from his addiction in 1992.  In 1998 he formed New Way Mississippi, a community outreach agency helping men who have been disenfranchised due to incarceration and/or substance abuse issues.

The transitional component of the agency is based on helping former offenders transition back into the community by providing employment assistance, transitional and permanent housing, ongoing recovery support services and economic development opportunities. “When we look at transition we look at it in terms of guys that need that support system and need that encouragement and that advocacy because many of them are convicted felons. They have a challenge getting employment and becoming self-sufficient. Here at New Way Transitional Living Center, our main focus is trying to bridge that gap from prison back to the mainstream of society,” says Perry.

There is a family component that works with the entire family unit bringing these men back together with their families in a wholesome and safe environment. That’s where Camp New Way, which is located in west Hinds County, comes in. Here, families are able to interact through fishing and horseback riding.

To help with employment New Way created Labor Resource Management, LLC for soliciting contracts from larger non-profits, corporations and government entities to provide jobs for men in the program. “Ok, you’ve paid your debt to society but when you come out you don’t have anything to do, you don’t have a job but we want you to go and be blessed. At New Way Mississippi we understand that it just doesn’t work like that. These men have to have a support system; they have to have jobs. Over the 20 years since I’ve been in this field one of the biggest barriers I’ve seen is men trying to get employment to turn their lives around but they just can’t get that opportunity,” Perry adds.

Perry realizes that if these men do not have this particular type of service so they can be successful crime will continue to increase, stating, “We have to do more than just pray for these men”.

To learn more about New Way Mississippi and ways you can help contact them at 601-360-0119 or

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Larry IS the Soul of Jackson. I applaud Ken Gordon for introducing us to Larry's testimony and God given purpose. This is an issue that most people don't think twice about but I hope it reaches the masses not only in Jackson but across the state and this country.
